Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

Dear Muslims,

Request you to kindly go through the demonstrations as to how important each act of our prayer is. We have to offer our salah as our Beloved Nabi SAW offered and asked us to offer.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said "The coolness of my eyes lies in Salah". Just contemplate as to what is in Salah that it gave him so much pleasure and peace that our Nabi SAW asked us to start our day with Salah and also end it with Salah. Even during the time of his death the advice that he offered to his SAW's umath at large

to take care of the rights of their slaves and salah.

Try to avoid these common mistakes during Prayers !

Spacing is determined by matching your legs space with your shoulder to shoulder distance!!!

Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

Pronouncing NEAH (willingness) and calling ALLAH AKBAR loudly for late comers are two wrong things that happen in our Masjids
Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

Bad smelling breath from mouth due to eating some type of foods (onions and garlic) or from clothes (socks, unclean clothes) are annoying to other people and should be avoided as per our Islamic teaching.
Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

Don't rush and don't be too slow (it is JAMA'H prayer) go with Muslims in timely manner (in the drawing above it is almost end of Fatihah and some one is still in Sujod)

Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

Yawning during prayers is wrong, try to avoid it……….

Will you do this if you are meeting an important person at work?

Remember, when you feel like Yawning, that you are facing ALLAH so, try to suppress it and you succeed…. Respect your presence in front of Allah and HE will respect your salah.

Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

New line start MUST be directly behind the IMAM wherever he is.. People start their Jamma Salah some times in a corner. That is wrong.
Some Common Mistakes during Prayer

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